I cannot believe it is the end of Halloween and we are close to the holidays. I know we are close because my newest issue of McCall's Quick Quilts just showed up and it is all about the holidays.
Now you have to understand why I am so messed up about exactly what the time of year it is.
First I live in Phoenix, AZ and today is the first day that it is under 90ยบ since May. After growing up in Upstate New York, where the weather told you when fall was here, in Phoenix the season change slightly.If you are not paying attention the holidays are over before you hang the first decoration . I miss my sweaters and boots.
The other thing working against my ever knowing what time of year it is, is the design season is is about six months ahead. That means this darling Reindeer Games quilt shown here was designed in June and currently we are working on summer designs for next year. We always have Halloween in the Spring. I tell you my whole calender is off, off, off.
Now all that being said, I wanted to share with you why I was so excited about the McCall's Quick Quilts magazine, our newest holiday quilt is in there. Yep you guessed it, it is Reindeer Games. We have a limited number of fabric kits for these guys and I kept the size small to make is easier to make as well and find a place to hang. Even better is we currently are offering 15% off your entire order. Just use the code FLL15off when you check out at www.TheWhimsicalWorkshop.com
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